Hawaii Adventure I – Island Vintage Coffee

Hey, guys! Welcome back to my vlog. Today, I’m super excited to share our recent Hawaiian escapade, where my husband and I decided to ditch the cold vibes of Boston for the sunny shores of Waikiki. Buckle up, because this trip was a rollercoaster of weather, vibes, and, of course, amazing food!

So, we touched down in Hawaii in the second week of December, the perfect time to escape the winter blues. But, hey, Hawaii has a mind of its own when it comes to weather. We got hit with some rain, but no worries – it’s all part of the adventure. Just a quick tip for future travelers: check the weather at your specific island spot before you pack those bags!

Now, let’s talk Island Vintage Coffee in Waikiki. This place had major buzz, and for a good reason. We stayed right in the center of Waikiki, and Island Vintage Coffee became our go-to spot. Spoiler alert: be prepared for a line. Even on a Wednesday at 9 a.m., we waited about 30 minutes. But, oh boy, was it worth it!

We started our Island Vintage Coffee journey with the Acai bowl and iced americano. The original Acai bowl stole our hearts – the blend of acai, granola, and honey was like a tropical party in our mouths. And can we talk about the beautiful flower on top? It was like a little piece of Hawaii magic.

But wait, we didn’t stop there. Three days straight, we kept coming back for more. Butter Garlic Shrimp, Shoyu Poke, LiliKo’I Moana Acai Bowl, Breakfast Plate, Latte – we tried it all. The Original Acai bowl remained my ride-or-die, but honestly, every dish was a flavor explosion. Shoutout to the Breakfast Plate’s sourdough and the Garlic Shrimp – they were game-changers.

And let’s not forget the vibe. Island Vintage Coffee didn’t just serve food; it was an experience. Every dish was a work of art, Instagram-worthy with its gorgeous decorations. It wasn’t just a meal; it was a feast for the senses.

Now, I’ve got some pro tips for you if you’re planning to hit up Island Vintage Coffee in Waikiki. The line can be intimidating, so here’s the hack: order online ahead and pick it up or head to the Island Vintage Wine Bar next door. The waitlist there is way shorter – 5 to 15 minutes – and you can still order anything from the coffee shop menu. Winning!

Our Hawaii trip was a dream, guys. I’m already missing the weather, the vibes, and, of course, the food. If you’re thinking of a winter escape, especially if you’re stuck in the East Coast cold, Hawaii is the place to be. Stay tuned for more Hawaii vlogs – I’ve got some exciting stuff coming your way. Thanks a bunch for hanging out with me today!

Unforgettable Night at Ed Sheeran’s US +-=÷ x Concert in Boston

Hey there, music enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to take you on a journey through my very first concert experience – Ed Sheeran’s US +-=÷ x Tour in Boston. This event had been marked on my calendar for a solid month, and as one of Ed Sheeran’s biggest fans, I was absolutely buzzing with excitement 👏.

Ed Sheeran chose the iconic Gillette Stadium as the backdrop for this unforgettable night, and my husband and I decided to attend the Friday evening performance at 7:00 PM. Little did we know that Friday nights and Gillette Stadium don’t necessarily mix well when it comes to traffic.The traffic was no joke, and we ended up parking our car at a nearby house that was offering parking services. You can spot these parking angels holding signs near Gillette Stadium, and they’ll happily accept payment via Venmo or cash. After this slightly chaotic parking situation, we embarked on a roughly 20-minute walk to reach the stadium entrance.

As we approached the entrance, the first order of business was the mandatory bag check. Pro tip: make sure to bring a clear bag or a teeny-tiny one so you don’t have to part ways with your beloved belongings 😂.

Given our time crunch, we decided to grab a quick bite from one of the food stalls within the stadium while anxiously awaiting Ed Sheeran’s appearance on stage. Fortunately, we had time on our side, as Ed didn’t grace the stage until around 8:30 PM. The excitement in the air was palpable, and we couldn’t wait to see and hear our favorite artist in person. The weather, by the way, was absolutely perfect for an outdoor concert.

Ed Sheeran’s voice, sweet and melodious, washed over us like a warm summer breeze. It was an experience that transcended the boundaries of time and space, and for a moment, we were all transported to a world where music held the power to unite hearts and souls.

The atmosphere was electric, and as Ed Sheeran began to serenade us with his chart-topping hit, “Thinking Out Loud,” a sea of illuminated smartphone screens filled the stadium. As the night unfolded, Ed Sheeran treated us to a repertoire of his greatest hits, and each song was nothing short of priceless. “Photograph” tugged at heartstrings, “Shape of You” had the entire stadium dancing, and “Perfect” had couples swaying in each other’s arms. The versatility of his music was on full display, and it was evident why he is considered one of the greatest singer-songwriters of our time.

As the night drew to a close, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for being part of this musical journey. This was undeniably one of the best memories I’ll carry from this summer, and it serves as a reminder of the incredible power of live music to create lasting, beautiful moments in our lives.

So, here’s to the magic of Ed Sheeran’s voice and the unforgettable night in Boston that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

[뉴져지 여행] 뉴져지 한식 먹방 파트2.


오늘 하루도 행복한 하루 보내셨나요??

오늘은 금요일이라 그래도 조금 힘이 나네요! 👍

오늘은 어제에 이어 뉴져지 여행 이튿날 먹었던 음식들 소개해 드릴게요 ㅎㅎ

첫날 소화제를 먹어가며 성실하게 먹방을 찍은 뒤라 그런지 다음날 뭔가 뜨뜻한게 떙겨서 명동칼국수를 갔습니다. 주일 점심시간인데도 사람이 북적북적 하더라구요.

저희는 해물 칼국수랑, 명동 칼국수+수육 삼합, 육개장 칼국수 그리고 칼국수에 빠지면 아쉬운 만두도 시켰답니다.

만두는 첫입 먹는순간 진짜 한국에서 파는것 처럼 피는 얇고 고기 둠뿍이였어요🤭 김치는 말모!! (뉴져지가 백김치 맛집이 더라구요.) 저는 개인적으로 고기 국물이 땡겼어서 그런지 기본 명동 칼국수가 더 맛있었어요 ㅎ

근데 여기서 진짜 별미 였던건 “명동칼국수+수육 삼합”이였어요, 이건 진짜 아직도 기억에 남아요. 수육은 엄청 부들부들했고 거기에 같이 나온 해물이랑 무말랭이 무침까지 싸먹으면 진짜 띠용🤩  아주 든든하고 만족스러운 첫끼를 마치고, 디저트가먹으로 엣지워러로 갔습니당 👏

이날 가본 카페도 처음 가본곳인데 맛도 맛인데 뷰가 탑이였어요!!!

카페 이름은 Kuppi Coffee 였습니다.

여유롭게 커피와 디저트 먹으면서 뉴욕뷰 보는게 너무 좋았어요! 

날씨가 좋을때는 밖에 테라스에 앉아서 먹으면 더 좋을 것 같더라구요.

이 카페는 허니 라벤더시럽들어간 마차랑 라테가 유명해서 둘다 시켜봤어요! 허니 라벤더 마차는, 한모금 하는순간 진짜 허니 라벤더 마차 맛이 다 나더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 한번 마셔볼 만 했던거같아요. 

여기 까눌레가 정말 맛있었어요, 까눌레는 처음 먹어봤는데 밖은 살짝 딱딱한 느낌이였는데 안속은 엄청 부드럽고 쫀득하더라구요, 전혀 딱딱하지 않았어요! 

뉴져지 여행 가셔서 엣지워러 쪽 가시면 이 카페 한번 가보시는거 추천해요! 바쁜 도심 속 여유를 느낄실수 있습니다 ㅎㅎ

저희는 다 직장인이라서, 다음날 출근을 위해 5시쯤 조금 이른 저녁을 엽떡에서 먹었습니ek 😂 신기하게 아비꼬 커리안에 엽떡도 같이 하시더라구요! 세트하나랑 순대 하나 시켜서 먹었는데 역시나 너무 맛있었어요.

떡볶이 국물이 너무 맛있었구 같이나온 튀김 만두 있었는데 만두에 떡볶이 찍어먹으면 걍 맛있어요 👏. 주먹밥은 정말 그냥 주먹밥 이였고, 순대는 조금 아쉬웠습니다, 근데 양은 많았어요! 

(너무 맛있어서, 사진을 못찍었어요 🙁).

마지막으로 옆에 있던 한미 마트에 들려서, 집가는길에 먹을 간식이랑, 한국에 새로나온 주류가 많아서 구경하고 왔어여, 요즘 핫하다는 새로랑 원소주도 있더라구요. 

저희는 이렇게 마트 쇼핑을 마지막으로, 4시간을 달려야하기에 친구들과 인사 후 집에 돌아왔습니당 ㅎㅎ 정말 잘먹고 잘놀고 보람찬 주말이였어요 🎉

(집가는 길에 하늘이 너무 이뻐서 찍어 봤어요 😁)

여러분도 뉴져지 여행가게 되시면 이 코스 강추해 드립니다.

그러면 오늘도 포스팅 봐주셔서 감사하고 곧 또 새로운 글로 돌아올게요! 🙂

[뉴져지 여행] 뉴져지 한식 먹방 파트1.


오늘은 8월말 다녀왔던 뉴져지 여행에 대해서 포스팅 하려고 합니다~

맛있는 한식이 너무 땡겨서 4시간 운전해서 뉴져지 팰팍/포트리/엣지워러 다녀왔습니다!~

이번 뉴져지 여행때는 이전에 가보지 않은 음식점들을 많이 가봤는데요, 지금 생각해도 또 가고 싶네요 ㅜㅜ

이번띰은 요즘 나혼자산다로 유명해진 팜유 패밀리를 모티브로, 1일 10끼는 아니지만 30시간 동안 7끼를 채우고 왔습니다 (디저트 포함입니당 ㅎㅎ) 팜유가 진짜 대단한거더라구요.

무튼 제가 30시간동안 먹었던 음식들 공유해 드릴게요, 뉴져지 여행가게 되시면 꼭 드셔보세요!

4시간 운전 후 먼저 도착하자마자 부담스럽지 않게 닭갈비 먹으러 갔어요!

홍춘천 닭갈비 뉴져지 지점인데요, 닭갈비는 정말 오랜만에 먹는거라 너무 기대 됐어요.

식당에 도착했는데 생각보다 메뉴가 너무 많아서 놀랐습니다, 마라샹궈, 마라탕, 꿔바로우등 중식도 있더라구요. 맘 같아서 다 먹고 싶었는데 7끼를 먹어야 되서 좀 조절 했습니다 ㅎㅎ

저희는 시그니쳐 메뉴인 김치 치즈 닭갈비와 마라탕을 시켰습니다. 닭갈비는 생각 보다 맛있었어요, 고기가 엄청 부드러웠고 치즈도 맛있었습니다, 김치가 살짝 아쉽긴 했는데 전체적으로 맛 있었어요! 마라탕은 살짝 맹맹해서 아마 다음엔 안먹을것같아요, 저는 좀 화끈한 마라맛을 좋아하는데 탕 자체에 피넛버터가 섞인 느낌이였어요! 그래도 다 먹었어요^^

가볍게 닭갈비+마라탕 끝내고 볶음밥을 시켰어요. 닭갈비먹구 볶음밥은 필수 잖아요? 기대하던 볶음밥!!!! 진짜 너무 맛있었어요, 솔직히 닭갈비보다 더 맛있었습니다 ㅎㅎ

밥 먹었으니 다음은 후식먹으로 모카라는 카페를 갔습니다. 닭갈비집 거의 바로 길거너편에 있어요! 날이 더워서 치즈 우유 빙수를 시켰는데 생각보다 양이 많아서 놀랬어요! 맛도 좋았습니다! 엄청 부드러웠어요.

빙수먹고 좀 걸어다니다 저녁으로 너무 먹고 싶었던 대한 곱창갔어요!

이번에 세번째 가본건에 역대급으로 너무 맛있었어요!!! 저희는 모듬 곱창 먹었는데 진짜 꿀맛이였어요! 사진에 보시는 바와 같이, 전 대창이 갑이였어요! 원래 곱창은 냄에나서 못먹는데 여기 곱창은 냄세가 안나서 조금씩 먹었어요! 여기 백김치도 존맛탱이에요 ㅜㅜ

곱창먹구, 다음 음식을위해 스크린골프장갔는데 시설도 너무 좋고 쾌적했어요! 다음에 오면 또 가려구요, 한시간에 $40정도 여서 여럿이서 가면 가격도 전혀 부담없이 즐길수 있을것같아요.

이상 뉴져지 여행 첫날 먹었던 음식을 소개해 드렸습니다!! 나머지는 2탄에서 들고 올게요!~ 그럼 다들 행복한 하루 보내시고 다음 글에서 뵈요~

Home is where you find yourself

Your home is your sanctuary, a reflection of your personality and style. It’s where you create beautiful memories and unwind after a long day. Here are some reasons why home decoration means so much to you.

Personal Expression: Home decoration allows individuals to express their personal style, taste, and personality. It’s a way to create a space that reflects who you are and what you love. Your home is a canvas where you can showcase your unique preferences, interests, and experiences.

Comfort and Well-being: A well-decorated home can contribute to a sense of comfort and well-being. Thoughtfully chosen furniture, colors, and accessories can create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere, making you feel relaxed and at ease in your own space.

Functionality and Organization: Home decor goes beyond aesthetics. It also involves organizing and arranging furniture and accessories in a way that optimizes functionality and flow within a space. Well-designed storage solutions and practical layouts can enhance efficiency and make daily tasks easier.

Mood and Ambiance: The ambiance of a space can significantly impact your mood and emotions. Home decor elements such as lighting, colors, and textures can create different atmospheres, whether it’s a cozy and intimate setting, a vibrant and energetic space, or a calm and serene environment. Choosing decor that aligns with your desired mood can positively influence your overall well-being.

Personal Sanctuary: Home is often considered a sanctuary, a place where you can retreat, relax, and recharge. Thoughtfully curated decor can help create a soothing and comforting environment, allowing you to escape from the stresses of the outside world and find solace within your own space.

Socializing and Entertaining: Home decor sets the stage for social interactions and entertaining guests. Whether it’s hosting dinner parties, family gatherings, or simply having friends over for a movie night, a well-designed space can enhance the experience and create a welcoming environment for your guests.

Sense of Pride and Ownership: Investing time and effort into home decor can instill a sense of pride and ownership in your living space. When you create a home that reflects your style and values, it becomes a source of pride and accomplishment.

Overall, home decoration plays a significant role in creating a comfortable, functional, and visually pleasing living environment. It allows you to personalize your space, improve well-being, and create a place that you can truly call your own.